Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Walmart Plans to Buy More American-Made Goods -

Apropos of our discussions regarding the global economic system, local economies, Walmart, and the complex supply chain of consumer goods, I just saw this in today's New York Times:

Walmart Plans to Buy More American-Made Goods -

In the last decade or so, American manufacturers have moved operations to China, Bangladesh, Vietnam and other lower-cost countries as they try to meet retailers’ strict cost requirements. However, recent consumer interest in American-made goods, rising labor and energy costs overseas, and pressure to get merchandise from the design phase into stores within weeks rather than months have renewed interest in manufacturing in this country. 
The just-in-time system of lean retailing plays a role in Walmart's shift (a minor one, of course), according to the article. 

Discussion on Walmart?  Are they moving in the right direction, or is there in principle no way for Walmart to operate its supply chain ethically while still being Walmart?

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